Finding Self-Acceptance
8:00 PM20:00

Finding Self-Acceptance

  • Association for X and Y Chromosome Variations Family Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Q & A between Hannah Acevedo, MS, ABSNP, LEP, BCBA and Matt McKeon, MS, CCC-SLP. Participants will learn about recent research on the importance of self-acceptance and mindful self-compassion as a means to build resiliency. Matt will also share some of his journey discovering self-acceptance and the importance of the X and Y Variations community.

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8:30 AM08:30

Multi-Tiered Systems of Behavioral Support: SWPBIS, Tier 2 Interventions, FBAs, and BIPs

  • UC Berkeley School of Education (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The difficulties experienced by students struggling with behavior at school are most often successfully addressed using Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Approaches range from broad/systemic School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (SWPBIS) and targeted short-term intervention to individually focused function-based assessment and intervention planning. All are key components of a comprehensive approach. This training, geared towards doctoral-level school psychologists, will focus on grounding the intervention framework within culturally responsive, neuro-affirmative, and collaborative behavioral intervention planning. It will also cover social justice issues related to harmful exclusionary discipline practices, legal protections for students with behavior issues at school, as well as best-practice for functional behavior assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plans (BIPs/behavioral goals) within the IEP process.

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10:00 AM10:00

AXYS Spanish Language Support Group Meeting: Strategies to Support Positive Behavior

Description: Únase a nuestro grupo de apoyo AXYS para familias hispano-hablantes para nuestro próximo evento de Zoom, donde tendremos una orador invitado y discusión de grupo, enfocada en comprender el comportamiento de nuestros niños, adolescentes o adultos jóvenes, y estrategias efectivos para ayudar.

Hannah Acevedo, psicóloga educativa y analista de comportamiento certificada, brindará una breve presentación en español, seguida de preguntas y respuestas junto con una discusión, facilitada por la miembro de la junta de AXYS y líder del grupo de apoyo, Silvia Mann.

Fecha: 12 de marzo de 2022
Hora: 10:00 a.m. Pacífico/1:00 p.m. hora del este
Duración: 90 minutos (45 minutos, presentación y preguntas y respuestas), 45 minutos discusión de grupo
Join our AXYS Support group for Spanish-Speaking individuals and families for our next Zoom event, where we’ll have our first guest-speaker and group discussion, focused on understanding our child’s, teen’s, or young adult’s behavior and strategies to help.

Hannah Acevedo, Educational Psychologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst will provide a short presentation in Spanish, which will be followed by a Q and A along with a group discussion, facilitated by AXYS Board Member and Support Group Leader, Silvia Mann.

Length: 90 minutes (45 minutes, presentation and Q and A), 45 minutes group discussion


Mar 12, 2022 10:00 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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8:30 AM08:30

Multi-Tiered Systems of Behavioral Support: SWPBIS, FBAs, and BIPs

  • UC Berkeley Psychology Internship Consortium/Didactic Training (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The difficulties experienced by students struggling with behavior at school are most often successfully addressed using Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Approaches range from broad/systemic School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (SWPBIS) and targeted short-term intervention to individually focused function-based assessment and intervention planning. All are key components of a comprehensive approach. This training, geared towards doctoral-level school psychologists, will focus on grounding the intervention framework within culturally responsive, neuro-affirmative, and collaborative behavioral intervention planning. It will also cover social justice issues related to harmful exclusionary discipline practices, legal protections for students with behavior issues at school, as well as best-practice for functional behavior assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plans (BIPs/behavioral goals) within the IEP process.

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Teaching Social Boundaries to Tween, Teens, and Young Adults
5:00 PM17:00

Teaching Social Boundaries to Tween, Teens, and Young Adults

  • AXYS Virtual Family Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Some behaviors can become problematic for individuals who struggle to understand and maintain social boundaries, particularly as they reach adolescence and young adulthood. This workshop will help caregivers, parents, teachers, and therapists learn strategies for helping make unwritten social rules more clear and concrete.

The slides are found here.

The Recording is found here.

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4:00 PM16:00

Association of X and Y Chromosome Variations Webinar: School's Out...Now What? Educational Q & A

With school closures due to COVID-19, parents are expected to take on the additional role of primary educator. How can you facilitate education and minimize tears?

Join Hannah Acevedo, Dorothy Boothe, and Erin Frith for a Q&A session designed to support the "new normal" of education for our students with X&Y chromosome variations.

Take the  pre-webinar survey so that we may best meet your needs.

>>> Register for the webinar <<<

Recording of Webinar: Hannah Acevedo, Dorothy Boothe, and Erin Frith - Educational Q&A - School's out! Now what?


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10:00 AM10:00

Strengthening Classroom Management and Positive Behavior Supports: How to Thrive Instead of Survive

Bay Area Teacher Training Institute (BATTI) Alumni Workshop Series Presents: Hannah Acevedo and Sarah Wheeler

Many teachers find classroom management the most common barrier to great instruction. Come learn new tools and perspectives, reflect on and deepen your current practices, better understand your students with significant behavioral challenges, and strengthen your approach to preventing and responding to unexpected student behaviors.

Hannah Acevedo is a behavior analyst, educational psychologist, and former classroom teacher who trains and coaches educators on supporting challenging behaviors.

Sarah Wheeler is an educational psychologist, BATTI Instructor, and former classroom teacher.

Free to BATTI Alums. $30 to Non-BATTI Teachers


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6:30 PM18:30

Dyslexia: From Identification to Effective Intervention at School and Home

Have you ever wondered why your child writes letters backwards, and if this is a sign of dyslexia? Does your child or student struggle with reading, but you are not sure what type of intervention would be the most helpful? This interactive workshop will help you gain a greater understanding of the neurological basis for dyslexia, different subtypes of dyslexia, and best practice for evidence-based intervention.

Speaker:  Hannah Acevedo, MS, LEP, ABSNP, BCBA

Location: Ann Martin Center, Emeryville, CA



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