The difficulties experienced by students struggling with behavior at school are most often successfully addressed using Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Approaches range from broad/systemic School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (SWPBIS) and targeted short-term intervention to individually focused function-based assessment and intervention planning. All are key components of a comprehensive approach. This training, geared towards doctoral-level school psychologists, will focus on grounding the intervention framework within culturally responsive, neuro-affirmative, and collaborative behavioral intervention planning. It will also cover social justice issues related to harmful exclusionary discipline practices, legal protections for students with behavior issues at school, as well as best-practice for functional behavior assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plans (BIPs/behavioral goals) within the IEP process.
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Earlier Event: November 10
Supporting Students with the Highest Needs
Later Event: June 24
Finding Self-Acceptance